Friday, February 29, 2008

Rambo at COEX Mall

Last night, we wanted to go out for Korean barbecue, but the restaurant was too packed. So, we went to eat fried chicken. Queenie (Chinese girl in the I-House) knows Korean really well, so she translates for us and makes sure our bills get paid correctly. After the so-so dinner, we took a 40 minute subway ride to the Coex Mall. It's a huuuuuuge mall, where pretty much anything can be found. We bought tickets to a film, but had time to kill. So, we went to the Board Game Cafe. Honestly, that's what it is called and that is what you do. We played Jenga, some stupid pirate game, and Life (in Korean). I was surprised to see how much better I can read and remember some words. Everywhere I go, I tend to read the signs out loud, which has been helping me read a lot faster too. I'm working on the accent, but I'm thinking that that will be aided by class. Anyways, after the cafe, we went to the movies. The guys wanted to see Rambo 4. I'm not sure why I agreed to go. I think I watched a third of the film and covered my eyes for the other two thirds. Never again.

I think I'm going to pass on movies for awhile. I need to do laundry already. I wish I would have brought more pants and fewer shirts. Maybe I'll be able to find some pants/dresses in the market soon.

P.S. Happy leap year!

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