Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Roommate is Not a Snuffleupagus


First, may I note how upset I am about my camera's memory card breaking. I'm going with Peter on Thursday to buy a new one. So, no pictures until then. Second, I found out that my cell phone has an English/Korean dictionary. Sweet, huh.

Snow Update: it's all gone. :) It was muddy and gross for most of the day, but it's starting to dry out.

Yesterday (26th) was the official move in day for the international students. I thought my roommate was a snuffleupagus. Her name wasn't on any of the other lists. However, she came later in the day. She walked in with one suitcase. I was super impressed. She left and came back with another huge suitcase and a friend carrying five bags of crap. :-P That made my afternoon amusing. A whole bunch of the international students went out to eat with some of the Ewha Buddies. We had a ridiculously huge group.

The bad thing about the International House is that everyone speaks English. I mean everyone. So, their English and Korean improve, while my English regresses and my Korean somewhat improves. Although, my roommate is Chinese and doesn't speak much English. I'm forced to use the limited Korean that I know.

Today (27th) is the placement test for the Korean language. I hope I test low.

I also get to see Brianna today and give her the huge bag of Swedish Fish! We're going out for lunch. I need to find a bank today. My money is quickly dwindling from buying a phone, airport pick up, and foodage.

1 comment:

Mark Z said...

Honestly, I didn't realize until now that Snuffleupagus was supposed to be an imaginary friend. I think he'd been revealed by the time I started watching Sesame Street.