Thursday, February 28, 2008

Level One

Interesting info of the day: McDonalds delivers.

I met with Brianna yesterday! We had a good time catching up. She took me out for bulgolgi at lunch time. Then, I took my placement test, and they said for me to start at level one. (Yesssss!) The guys who were here last semester said that it was difficult to get up every morning for class. Those are also the guys who speak French and are determined to improve mine.

Anyways, after the placement test, Brianna and I met up again. I got to see her apartment at the InKAS (Internation Korean Adoptee Services) guest house. We went shopping for shoes and I found a pair of flats and a pair of brown boots for a total of 40,000 KWN (~$43). We went out to dinner with Bri's friend, Ji Eun at Pizza Hut. It was deliciously greasy.

Today, I met with Peter. He took me out to a Japanese place. Then, we went to Yongsan Electronics Market to find a memory card and a webcam. My memory card started at 48,000KWN and we got it down to 30,000KWN. So, anyone on skype, I have a webcam now. However, I have no idea how to get it working...

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